Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Old Gritville Mine: Noxious Cemetery

This post is part of my take on the dungeon 23 challenge, the Old Gritville Mine. The premise and explanation for everything can be found in this post and this post, but those should be the only required reading to figure out what's going on here.

Introduction: This week's section turned out to also be undead-themed, but in a much more conventional way. The hardest part about the concept of a noxious cemetery was coming up with which of the many sources of bad smells in a cemetery to focus on. Overall I am enjoying this room-a-day thing so far, especially if the random word generators continue to give me solid concepts like this.

Room Descriptions
  • 1/9- Stinking burial Ground
    • Smells of sulfur coming from the Volcanic Crematorium
    • Smells of rotting flesh from the Cursed Charnel House
    • The writing on the headstones is too faded to read
    • Next to the Volcanic Crematorium is a stone statue of a dancing skeleton
    • Door to Undertaker's Shack is made of wood and locked
  • 1/10- Volcanic Crematorium
    • Smells strongly of sulfur, is very warm, and the back wall glows red with heat, far too hot to touch
    • One of the cremation chambers is actually a secret tunnel to the Gilded Graveyard
    • A lever disguised as the mechanism to turn on the cremation chambers will actually lower the red-hot wall, releasing a wave of lava
  • 1/11- Undertaker's Shack
    • Smells like rotting food
    • Underneath the rotting corpse of the undertaker is the Undertaker's Shovel, a worn shovel with magic runes on the handle
    • The pantry is full of rotten food and a flesh-eating slime, which jumps out at whoever opens up the pantry
    • The wooden doors to the shack are both locked
  • 1/12- Cursed Charnel House
    • The key to the Undertaker's Shack is hidden under the bone pile
    • Smells of rotting flesh even though there is none present
    • The bones fly around the room if anyone disturbs the bone pile, battering anyone inside
  • 1/13- Undertaker's Equipment Shed
    • A bunch of shovels sitting on a wooden rack
    • A wooden wheelbarrow
  • 1/14- Gilded Graveyard
    • Tombstones here are gold-plated
    • Guarded by 12 golden skeletons which attack anyone who enters the area but will not follow outside of the Gilded Graveyard, each skeleton is made of pure gold and is worth quite a bit after being dispatched
  • 1/15- Overgrown Graves
    • A large orange tree has grown out of one of the graves, its shallow roots covering up all of the other graves and tombstones in the area, the oranges from the tree are edible and just as nutritious as regular oranges, they just reek of rotting flesh once they have been peeled
Magic Items
  • The Undertaker's Shovel
    • Digs a 3ftx6ft hole that is 6 feet deep with perfect edges with a single scoop in the ground and almost no effort from the digger
    • Looks like a worn shovel with a steel blade, wooden handle, and magic runes carved into the handle

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