Friday, January 13, 2023

The Old Gritville Mine: Surrounding Area and Entrance

 This is the first post with maps and such for my dungeon 23 challenge, the Old Gritville Mine. It includes a map of some of the local area, but most of the details are found in this post on Gremland as the focus of this post is really the dungeon. For convenience, I will also repost the introduction text.

Known as the Old Gritville Mine or the Haunted Mine, this ancient mine is the original reason why Gritville exists, and also the cause of the worst tragedy in the town's history. About 100 years ago, the miners are said to have uncovered something terrible, warping the space inside the mine into a series of ever-shifting reality bubbles taken from all over the prime material plane. Ever since that haunting day, the entrance to the mine brings people to an unstable world of pocket dimensions which shift and move around inside of the mountain without disturbing the surface. Each bubble of reality seems to consist of 7 rooms at most, which can be of pretty much any size and contain pretty much anything. Because of their motion, these pockets of reality maintain only ephemeral connections to each other. While passages and rooms inside the same pocket reality stay consistent, the hallways that leave and connect to another reality bubble will have new, random locations at the end every couple of hours. Some of these bubbles seem fairly similar to what one would expect from a series of mineshafts and excavated ore pockets, some seem to take people to other planets entirely, many appear to be taken from a much more mundane location, and yet more seem to be the awkward fusion of 2 or more unrelated bubbles.
Roaming the rooms, hallways, and various pocket dimensions of the Old Gritville Mine are all sorts of creatures. Although it is possible to run into survivors of the original accident, most of them are long dead, usually killed by one of the many horrible creatures from the more exotic reality pockets. Aside from alien horrors, many normal, regular people were also sucked into the mine and a few survived long enough to establish small camps, farms, and even towns in the midst of the broiling chaos of reality bubbles. While rare, these safe havens represent the only thing keeping most who get lost in the Haunted Mine from a painful death at the hands of a terrifying beast.
Although returning to the entrance of the Old Gritville Mine is nearly impossible because the pocket dimensions are always shifting around, the few who have returned have come back with riches, magic, and powerful objects beyond imagination. While these brave adventurers come back wealthy beyond compare, they also speak of dangers and horrors that they never wish to see again. It is up to each adventurer who hears of the Old Gritville Mine to decide for themselves if they will challenge it. Many have come back with great success, but most have never been seen again.

Room Description
  • 1/1- Old Gritville Mine Entrance
    • A nondescript mineshaft entrance with a formerly well-trod path
    • Inside the tunnel it becomes unnaturally dark after 60 feet, it is impossible to see past that point
  • The Miners' Children- descendants of the miners who survived the accident 100 years ago. They are generally friendly and use a crudely drawn lantern to identify themselves.
  • Treasure Hunters- people who have entered the Haunted Mine to get whatever they can sell for a high price. They are generally untrustworthy.
  • Ranklings- otherworldly creatures that feed on feelings of annoyance that have gained a strong foothold in the mines by bothering anyone they come across. They are somewhat similar to the gremlins infesting Gremland, but they are mortal creatures.

Random Encounter Table (2d6)

Roll on this table pretty much any time the party spends more than 10 minutes hanging out in an unprotected space

2- The Skwankor, on the hunt for food
3- Treasure hunters from the outside, paranoid of others and quick to rob anyone they meet
4- A group of ranklings looking for people to bother
5- A random wild animal that wandered into the mine, lost and scared
6- The sounds of an unknown creature in the distance
7- Nothing
8- Voices in the distance, although the source cannot be found
9- A group of treasure hunters trying to find safety after losing all their stuff
10- A foraging party of Miners' Children, willing to trade or lead friendly people back to their home
11- An unattended cart of supplies rolls by, apparently self-propelled
12- The Duck Man, Mary Lou the giant Duck, and his shop/wagon looking for magic items but willing to trade with anyone he happens to meet

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